Hello and welcome. My names Dave and I'm here to tell you watch movies you need to watch, because obviously you can't complete this task alone. I don't blame you at all though nowa days finding a good movie can be a task seeing as flashy covers seem to be on every movie you see come out. I know what your thinking so how the hell can you tell what movies are good by there cover then? The answer is simple I cant which is why once a week I will be posting a review on a newly released dvds and tell you if it is worth buying, redboxing, watching for free, or to not waste your time and do something more productive like wash your hair or even watch a better movie.
Seeing as this is the first post and I dont have a review ready this week I will leave you with a list of older movies that I consider to be some of my current favorites. You should deffinately check these movies out and if its in your budgit you might want to add them to your collection.
On the Waterfront
- Long time favorite of mine staring Marlon Brando. If you like old movies (and I mean OLD) this is a good watch.
Inglorious Bastards
- Blood, Gore, Humor, and Brad Pit what more could you ask for from this historically incorrect movie. Definatly worth the space on your dvd rack in my opinion.
The Godfather Series
- You want an offer you cant refuse? Marlon Brando playing an Italian mob godfather! Its a classic. The second one is just as good even without Brando. If you dont have it pick this one up ASAP.
- Its a dream, in a dream, in a dream, when the whole thing was a dream. The plot was confusing but understandable. The movie overall was great. Buy it you wont regret it.
Saving Private Ryan
- This movie is amazing I cannot say how many times I have watched this movie and everytime I choked up. Another must buy cause seeing it once is not enough.
Fight Club
- Watch it and tell me its bad. You wont. Buy it and start your own fight club. BRAD PIT!
The Pianist- This movie amazed me. I watched it for a day straight cause I loved it so much. I recomend buying this movie even though I myself havent picked up a copy yet.
Lost In Translation
- Ever get that feeling that your life is going nowhere regardless of what you do? Then your probably a victim of what we call a midlife crisis. This movie will hit home with anyone who has experienced this.
Dear John
- Bring on the FLAME troll!. I don't care how chickflick this film is is. I love this movie. At least worth a watch no matter how manly you are.
- I am a HUGE comedy fan. This movie had me laughing so loud I almost got evicted. Ratings aside this movie is awesome. If you like funny buy this.